Monday, April 26, 2010

Recipe of the Week by Martha 4.26.10

Now that the competition is over, I like to throw in a few carbs that I didn't eat while I was in training. This recipe I think is great because it's quick and easy while not going overboard. It reminds me of Subway...and I LOVE Subway!

Chicken Wraps:
1 FlatOut Flatbread Wrap
4oz cold chicken (you should have some pre-made in your fridge by this point) :)
pinch of mozzarella cheese
dash salt & pepper
brussel sprouts
thinly sliced red onion
1 - 2 slices of cooked turkey bacon

Add all ingredients to your wrap. Roll up and placed on a skillet with 1- 2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil. Heat through until wrap is slightly brown, then flip and repeat on the other side. Remove from heat and add:

diced fresh tomatoes
spinach leaves
1/2 avocado

Slice in half and enjoy! I use toothpicks to keep this massive wrap from coming apart. The nice thing is, you don't have to use all the ingredients, just use what you have around the house. You can't go wrong with a heated wrap and a few cold ingredients. YUMMY!

One other thing I've been enjoying is Kashi "Go Lean" cereal. It has 14 grams of Protein! I take 3/4C of that with almond milk and some strawberries before I start my day. So good during the hot summer mornings!

Happy Clean Eating!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds so good! I've never actually tried brussel sprouts. I will have to get some. Love wraps though. Thanks for the great ideas :)
