Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cali's food & workout for 4-14-10

Here's a day in the life of Cali...

Meal 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal w/2TBSP ground flax seed mixed with 1/2 cup Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries
Preworkout: I love "NO SHOTGUN" it gives me energy to soar through my workouts with energy to spare. You HAVE to get some!
Meal 2: protein shake(mixed with water) 1 apple (post workout)
Meal 3: 4oz. Tilapia w/ 10 asparagus spears drizzled with olive oil
1/2 cup brown rice
Meal 4: 2 wasa crackers smeared with 2Tbsp almond butter & 1/2 banana
Meal 5: Strawberry Spinach Salad (featured recipe of the week) w/6oz Salmon
Meal 6: protein shake & 1/2 banana

Yummy! I love fish! I cold seriously eat salmon every meal. I hope this will give you some ideas. If you have a great meal or snack that you'd like to share, feel free. I'm always looking for yummy ideas. Happy eating!
Now for the fun part, getting my sweat on. Wednesday for me is mostly a cardio day where I take TURBO KICK in the morning for 45 minutes then finish up with a few shoulder workouts and some abs and call it a day. I love this class because it changes it up and gives me a chance to act like a goof and get a great workout at the same time. Try taking a class to spice things up a bit. You won't be sorry you did. Now for the shoulder exercises I did....

20 upright row (straight bar)
20 over head press ( straight bar)
20 bent over flys-10 lbs

I did this one right after the other and got a great pump. Do this 3 times in a row.
For abs I did 3 sets of 25 knee raises, 3 sets of 40 crunches on ball, 3 sets of 40 bicycle crunches. It was a great workout! Ask Martha, she saw me afterwards and I was sweating like a pig! No lie! Good luck! Tell me about your new class you try for the week. Talk to you soon!

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