Monday, April 12, 2010

Martha's Competition (4.12.10)

I have had a lot of people asking how I did in my very first figure competition last Saturday. Thought posting it on here would be a good way to keep you all informed! First of all, I must say that with everything I've learned and all the practice I've put in everyday with my mandatory poses, I truly feel like I did my very best. I was very excited to be there and be a part of everything. Funny enough, I kept waiting for the butterflies and nervousness to set in, but it never did! Getting onstage was SO much fun. It is so rewarding to be out there and show the judges what you've been working so hard for! I didn't know if I would do very well, but I did know that from everything I learned, I couldn't have changed anything to make it better. With that being said, I was asked to come out as one of the top 3! Before I knew it, they were handing me the 1ST PLACE TROPHY!!!!! Now that was the perfect ending to a LONG 3 months! Never felt so happy (besides getting married and having my 3 kids) than I did at that moment! I want to thank everyone for your encouragement and kind words. I felt so motivated from all of you and your great feedback! This has truly been a wonderful journey for me! Thanks again everyone!!!! I hope you all know that if you really set your mind to something and truly commit to it, amazing things will happen. You will feel the transformation happen within you that is undeniable and then the exterior will follow. It all starts from within!


  1. tears,tears,tears!!! we are soooo proud of you! Thank U for your motivation. you are inspiring. PICTURES PLEASE!!!!

  2. Wow, that is amazing! Congratulations. :)

  3. Thanks everyone! I'll post pictures asap...promise!
