Thursday, March 25, 2010

Recipe Of The Week


I LOVE protein pancakes! In fact, I'll eat them twice a day sometimes! If you are working as hard as we are, your body will crave this kind of fuel. With that said, lets find out how easy they are to make!

1 mashed banana
1/2 C oats
2TBS ground flaxseed (optional)
5 egg whites
Cinnamon to taste
Mix until combined
Yeild: 3 pancakes

Instructions: Heat up your skillet on med heat (not too hot or it will cook the outside, but not the inside) with a little organic olive oil spray and serve with honey or agave nector.


  1. so the other day I substituted oats for pre-cooked quinoa (higher protein no gluten) and added a dash of vanilla.

    Since I didn't have flax (at the time) I added almond butter on top with a drizzle of agave and fresh strawberries. MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm YUM!

    I love protein pancakes!

  2. Love that you can add variety to our recipes! Makes it more interesting and gives people more options...thank you, Michelle!
