Monday, March 29, 2010

Martha's Workout Of The Day

Hey there everyone, Martha here! Just thought I would let you know I am competing in a figure competition on April 10th so the food I'm eating right now may seem a bit unrealistic for most of you. That will all change in the next couple of weeks, so take what you want and add what you need. If Cali posts food, she would be more realistic in her diet.
Today I will be posting an old workout I did a few months ago. It's a little easier today, but I thought you all would like it. You can make it harder by increasing weight and reps if you need to. If there are any questions, we can post photos of some of the workouts so you can better understand what we are talking about, just let us know which ones you need help on!
This one is Cardio/Chest/Abs. Ready, Set, Sweat!!!
Ran for 15 min to warm up. Decline chair chest press with 45lb bar and added 10's on each side (2sets - 15reps, then 8reps for the 3rd set...super hard for me), push ups - 3 sets of 12reps. First set was 3 was chattarunga, then moved my right arm out to my right for a wide stance (that is 1 rep), then back to chattarunga, then move my left arm out to my left (did 10 reps). Second set was go down like normal, but when you come up...lift say your right arm and left leg then rotate arms and legs for a set of 10 or 12. Third set was P90X way....hands make a diamond shape and when you come down, that diamond should be in the center of your chest for 10reps. Chest flys 3 sets of 12 using 15lb dumbbells, 300 abs (crank them out as fast as you can breaking maybe every 50 or so and switch up what kind of abs you are doing. 15 min run at the end adding in some sprints (10.0 speed for 30 sec at a time). Your heartrate should be up and you should be pushing your limits today. If not, add more weight to see what your maximum is! Happy Workout!

Thought you all might want to know who these 2 Fitgals are, so we will be posting photos of each other and share a little bit about our busy lives and how we manage to get in our workouts everyday. If we can do it, you can DEFINITELY do it too!!!!

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