Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cali's menu for the day!

Okay, here is a typical day of clean eating for me. During the day I try to focus on what I can eat and not what I can't eat. I try aiming for 1 gram of protien per pound of body wieght. Here's what I came up with....

Meal 1: oatmeal w/dash of cinnamon & ground flaxseed w/2tbsp almond butter
Meal 2: protien pancakes (featured recipe of the month) 1-2tbsp almond butter spread on top
Meal 3: (pre-workout) 2 Wasa cracker w/banana
Meal 4: (post-workout) protien shake w/apple
Meal 5: Large spinach salad topped w/ chicken, red pepper, zuchini, red oinions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, 5-6 chopped almonds. I use apple cidar vinegar for dressing. I like using balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
Meal 6: 6 egg whites with spinach & salsa
Treat of the day: 1 handful of dark chocolate chips with a few walnuts (A girls gotta live right!)

I eat every 2-3 hours and try to get 1 gallon of water a day. All of my food for today was already in the fridge when I needed it. The chicken I cooked yesturday. All the veggies were pre-cut in baggies ready to eat. My fridge is always stocked with eggs, chicken, salmon, yams, brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, flaxseed, almond butter, salsa, spinach, all kinds of veggies and fruit. Not just for me of course, I have a husband and 3 girls. I hope this will give you some ideas on some clean eating choices. Happy clean eating!

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