Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our First Official Daily Login!!

Before I start I want to give a shout out to Lisa and Teresa whom I met today at the gym this morning and they wanted to know more about being fit and healthy. I told them to check out this blog, so if you ladies are ever on here, please post something and say hello! I have to say to them "GREAT JOB" for waking up at 6am for a morning workout!!!! Keep up the good work!
This is so exciting to be able to share what we do each day to accomplish the results that we have been able to accomplish. So here is today's food by Martha:
The first thing I feel like I should cover is that I find a time each day (an hour to an hour and a half) that does not interfere with my kids schedules or time with my hubby to workout. I have found that I can put my 2 girls on the bus at 8:30am and be to the gym by 8:50 or 9am with my 2 year old in the day care there (which he totally loves). I have recently started working part-time and found time on those days to go to the gym at 6am while everyone is in bed (I don't want to go after work because that cuts into time with my family) and I can still be home in time to get myself ready for work and my girls ready for school. I have a very supportive husband (almost a must) that helps make us all breakfast on those mornings so we can all stay on time.

My food for today:
I pre-make a lot of my food so I don't have to worry about preparing it throughout the week. For instance, I boil almost an entire bag of chicken and cube it and put it in tupperware for when I'm ready to mix it with rice, salsa, or whatever I choose for that day. I also prepare my sweet potatoes in proportion sizes (40z) in tupperware precooked. Brown rice is made in bulk as well and kept in containers in the fridge.
I eat every 2 hours (sometimes 3 if I am running late somewhere and forgot to take my food with me) P.S. I worked today, so all this was prepared the day before and taken to work with me...
Breakfast 8am: 5 egg whites with 2TBS salsa, 1/2 Cup Oatmeal with honey drizzled on top
Snack 10am: Sweet potato with cinnamon and a green apple dipped in Adam's Peanut Butter
Lunch 12:30pm: Protein Pancakes with honey for syrup - you can use agave nectar as well (will be our featured recipe of the week, YAY!)
Snack 3:30pm: chicken chunks (5oz) over 1/2 C brown rice heated through and put a little salsa over the top.
Dinner 6:30pm: Can of tuna, 1C frozen spinach and 1/2 brown rice heated through and garnished with a fiesta lime spice that made it taste SO GOOD (couldn't even taste the spinach or the fish!)
Snack 9pm: 2 plain rice cakes dipped in Adam's Peanut Butter
Drank over a gallon of water throughout the day. I always have a jug of water by my side at all times!
Can't wait to talk to you all tomorrow! We are working on getting some fun pics up too! Let us know if there is anything else we can do to make this more informative!


  1. Hi, this is Mary's sister Angie. I love that you started this blog and all your awesome workout ideas and food tips. I can't wait to read more!

  2. Thanks Angie! I don't think I've met you yet. Are you the one down south? I'm glad you like it! We have a lot more ideas, just stick with us and it will build each day!
